Monday, March 5, 2012

kewet tube chassic

KEWET electric car galvanized pipes chassic is developed, and the first cars (do not know for how many), is made at FKN teknik in Hadsund

FKN teknik was in the final phase and completion of another technological adventure Hadsund namely Novo Diagnostic Systems A / S. (NDS)

Flemming K Nielsen worked on NDS on mechanical workshop. NDS forstrede Numerous ihværksættere in Hadsund, and Flemming K Nielsen started already FKN teknik in the past year while he was employed by NDS.

The closure of the NDS came after Novo gave the company due to some technical errors in judgment ( memolog, BMC Lab 23 ) and sold to the original godfather, Børge Simonsen. He had in the 70s started Meditronic and had mid / end 80s several biomedical companies in town. The new cabinet itself was called Scan Detectronic Diagnostic (SDD). SDD went bankrupt about a year after overtaglesen. Flemming K Nielsen started here around this time up full time with his own business.

NDS made brain scanners, spect, cerebrografh, bone mineral scanners, and other medical technology that required precision taverns mechanics.  FKN teknik worked for several of the new entrepreneurship that originated from the closure of NDS and later SDD (SDD invented the Simonsen Cerebrograph Cortexplorer) . (Some  newe companies came from the closure of NDS: Twister Engineering at Bob Offenstein, Cortex Technology By Flemming Kristensen, Hadsund Maskinteknik by Eric Sand, etc.)

Pipes for KEWET EV chassic was bent at the then called REVA Kærvang (rehabilitation center) Hadsund. Today the place is called Project Center Hadsund or special unit Hobro municipality.

Buddy norway had also made a chassis in denmark, they should be made ​​at the company Metafix in Hadsund

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